The Investigating the Interactional Effects of Renewable Energy and Carbon dioxide Emissions on Human Development: Cointegration in Autoregressive Distributed Lag

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master in Economics, Faculty of Management and Human Science, Chabahar Maritime University, Chabahar, Iran

2 Assistant professor of Economic, Faculty of Management and Human Science, Chabahar Maritime University, Chabahar, Iran



The increase in the level of carbon emissions is one of the most serious concerns in the world in the last decade, and different countries adopt different policies and approaches to reduce the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions; Therefore, the current study examines the impact of renewable energy and carbon dioxide emissions as well as their mutual effects on human development. The current study is descriptive-analytical and applied, which was estimated by autoregression method with distribution breaks for the years 2000-2020. The sample size was 16 countries with high human development, including Iran. The results showed that carbon dioxide emissions in all four modes, including CO2 emissions, CO2 emissions from electricity and heat, CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption, and the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions have a negative impact on renewable energies, gross domestic product, financial development, and net foreign direct investment. had a positive effect on the human development index in the long term in countries with high human development; Also, the mutual effects of carbon dioxide emissions and renewable energies on the human development index were positive, so renewable energies can be used as a tool to control and reduce the effects of environmental pollution emissions to increase human development; Therefore, it is suggested to expand the use and development policies of renewable energy and to attract more investments in this sector; In addition, establishing laws to encourage public and private partnerships and removing investment barriers can help investors to participate in renewable energy activities.


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