Peer Review Process

Blind-Peer Review Process & Open Access Policy

This Journal is double blind peer review, and has open access policies, and free of charges for online copy.

The process of Publishing System:

 At first, Technical Editor checks the format, style and compatibility of manuscript with the journal’s Guidelines for Authors. If the authors of the manuscript have not considered the guidelines, it will be sent back to the authors requesting to do so. If the manuscript meets the minimum criteria to be included in review process, the editor-in-chief will suggest at least 2 reviewers (topic expert) for evaluation process. At this stage the authors should pay the first stage of payment. The reviewers stay anonymous and also, authors’ names are not declared to reviewers. Reviewers promise to undertake the confidentiality of materials till to e-Publication.

Editor in chief receives the reviewers’ comments and sends them to corresponding author, if the two reviewers’ opinion are not opposed, otherwise anther reviewer will be allocated for further correct decision.  If the corresponding author reviews and corrects the manuscript by considering reviewers’ comments and resend it to the Journal, the editor in chief will send it to one of reviewers to compare the justification and changes that the author made and highlighted on the manuscript.   

When the article has been approved, the technical editor will ask the author to pay the second stage of payment. After editing stage, and lay out designing, the article will be published.