Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

  1. The article should be provided in Farsi (Persian) and in Microsoft Word 2007 with maximum 20 A4 pages.
  2. The article should be typed by the margins of 5.5 cm from top and bottom and 5.5 cm from the right and left with single spacing.
  3. The main text of the article should be set in single-column with the B Nazanin font/size 11 pt (for Persian version) and with the Times New Roman font/size 10 pt (for English version).
  4. The title of the article should be inserted with a Bold B Trafic font/ size 11 pt and the names of the authors of the article with a Bold B Nazanin font/size 11 pt.
  5. The abstract should be prepared in Maximum of 200 words, with B Nazanin font/10 pt size (for Persian version), and Times New Roman font/ size pt11 (for English version).
  6. Except for the abstracts, the headings of the article should be numbered consequently, in such a way that the headings and subheadings are specified under each heading, and numbering should be presented with the number, dash and point.






  1. All pages of the article should be numbered in Persian.
  2. All tables, figures and pictures are to be titled, numbered and referenced. Please refer to their numbers in the text. Avoid sending tables and charts as pictures. The captions of figures, pictures and tables are to be set with B Nazanin font/ size 11pt.
  3. It is necessary to set all the information in the tables of the article in Farsi with the B Nazanin font/ size 11pt.
  4. It is necessary to place a 0.7 cm tab in the beginning of all paragraphs of the article, except for the first paragraph below each heading.

Writing style and organizing article

Your submission should include the following sections:

  1. The first page: Title page (Article identifier)

The title page must include the title of the article in Farsi and English, the full name of the author (authors), the full name of the corresponding author in Persian (including the postal address, fixed telephone number, mobile phone, fax and e-mail address)
2. The second page

The second page should contain the following cases:

  • The title of the article in Farsi, the full name of the authors, and citing the corresponding author in the footnote.
  • Abstract should include at least 100 and a maximum of 200 words. It should be brief and consist of the aim, methodology and main findings.
  • Keywords: at least 3 and maximum 5 words separated by comma (,).
  • JEL classification codes, which can be extracted from the following Internet site:
  1. The other pages of the article should include precisely the headings of "Introduction", "Theoretical basics", "Research background", "Model and method of estimation", Data and empirical results", "Conclusions" and "References."
  2. The final page of the article should include an abstract in English and an English translation of the keywords.

Referencing style

All references should be cited in- text and in the “References” section in the APA style. In this regard, we mention the main points that should be addressed by the author(s). We clarify the subject by giving some examples:


  • For references with one author: (surname of the author, year: page)
  • For references with more than two authors: (the last names of the first author and co-author, year: page)
  • For references  quoted from others: (quotes from ..., year, page)
  • For Internet sources (surname of author or HTML filename, date or access date as day/ month/ year)
  • In direct quotation, the page number should be given and the copied text should be inserted in "…".
  • in Indirect quotation, there is no need to quote by “…”.

1- 1. Some examples

  • (Mohammadi, 2008)
  • (Mohammadi and Ahmadi, 2008)
  • More than three authors: (Mohammadi et al ,2008)
  • Quotation of the third part: (Piaget, 1973; quoted from Mansour, 1997)

In the references list

  • In the list of references, first, Persian references are set in Persian alphabetical order, then, English references are arranged in the English alphabet, respectively.
  • Book: Surname and name of author / authors (Year of publication). Book title, Place of publication: Publisher, Edition.
  • A book that has been published by "Organizations or Institutions": the name of the organization or institution. (Year of publication). Book title, Place of publication: Author. Edition.
  • A chapter of a book or an article from a collection of articles written by various individuals but by published by a particular institution or person:

Name of the author / authors. (Year of publication). Title. Editor name, Proceedings Title, (number of pages in the chapter or article). Place of publication: Publisher.

  • The book does not have a specific author: the title of the book. (Year of publication). Place of publication: Publisher. Edit or print order.
  • Translated book: surname, author / Authors name. (Year of translation). Title of the book in Farsi. Translator / Translator's Name. Place of publication: Publisher.
  • Thesis: The name of the Thesis Author. (Year). Thesis title. Thesis of the source. University.
  • Article: Surname, author / writer's name. (Year). Title. Name of the publication. The owner of the license, year, period or number, the number of pages on which the article is inserted.
  • Published articles in newspapers: surname, author's name. (Year, day of the month). Title. Newspaper name, page number.
  • Translated article: Surname, author's name. (Year). Title. Translator's surname with the title of interpreter. The name of the publication where the translated article is written. Owner, year, period or number, page number.

2-1. Examples

2-1-1. Book with one author

  • Karimi, Y. (2008). Social psychology, theories, concepts and applications. Tehran: Arasbaran Publications.
  • Karimi, Yousef. (2003). Social Psychology: Theories, Concepts and Applications (11th Edition). Tehran: Arasbaran publications.
  • Wainwright, William (2006). Reason and heart. Translated by Mohammad Hadi Shahab (2007). Qom: Publications of the Research Institute of Islamic Sciences.

2-1-2. Book with two author s

  • Marshall, Catherine and Rassman, Gretchen B. (1995). Qualitative research method. Translated by Ali Parsaeean and Seyed Mohammad Arabi (1998). Tehran: Publications Office of Cultural Studies.
  • Marshall, K. and Rashman, G. B. (1995). Qualitative research method. Translated by Ali Parsaeean and Seyed Mohammad Arabi (1998). Tehran: Publications Office of Cultural Studies.

2-1-3. Book with three authors

  • Sarmad, Zohreh, Bazargan, Abbas and Hejazi, Elaheh. (1997). Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. Tehran: Agah Publications.
  • In Persian texts, there are fewer sources with more than three authors, but in English texts, sources with more than three authors are repeatedly observed. Experts say these references should be cited as the First Author, Second Author, the Third Author and "et al".

2-1-4. Article: Journals

  • Asadollahi, Ghorbanali, Yaghoubi, Mohammad and Soleimani, Bahram. (1993). Examining the correlation between failing/passing rate and birth rank among the elementary school students in Isfahan during the academic year, 1987-1988.  Psychological Research, Volume 2, Issue 1 & 2, pp. 26-32.

2-1-5. Article: Proceedings of Conferences

  • Khamesan, Ahmad. (2007). The challenges of creating online PhD programs. Proceedings of the Conference on the contemplation on PhD courses in Iran (pp. 24-35). Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education, Tehran, May 2007.

2-1-6. Article: Edited Books

  • An edited book is a book written by one or several authors in each chapter, but the editor(s) as checker(s) the contents is (are) responsible for the entire book.
  • Gibbs, Graham. (2003). Ten years on improving student learning theory and practice. Chris Rust (Editor): Proceedings of the 2002 10th International Symposium Improving Student Learning, (pp. 9-26). United Kingdom: Oxford Centre for Staff & Learning Development.

2-1-7. Article: Online (Online / internet-based)

  • Dilmaghani, Mitra. (n.d.). Virtual Universities: Challenges and necessities. Paper presented at the e-learning conference of Iran. Retrieved on May 2, 2006.

2-1-8. Citation to internet sources

  • Laporte RE, Marler E, AKazawa S, Sauer F. (1995). The death of biomedical journal. BMJ .; 310: 1387 -90. Available from: Accessed September 26, 1996.
  • In the citation for Internet sources, the date of access to the source should also be included at the end.

2-1-9. Unpublished Resources: Theses and Research Reports

  • Khamesan, Ahmad. (1995). A Comparative Study of self-perception in the Field of Development  and Mental Health. Master's thesis of Educational Psychology, University of Tehran, not published.
  • Khamassan, Ahmad, Ayati, Mohsen and Tafazoli, Abbas. (2001). Studying problems and how to spend leisure time at Birjand University' students. Report of the research project approved by Birjand University.

2-1-10. Referencing when there is no author.

Studies and Research Deputy for National Youth Organization. (2008). Youth, family and generation relationships. Tehran: Publications of the National Youth Organization.

2-1-11. Referencing to an author several works in a given year

  • Karimi, Yousef. (2008 a). Social Psychology. Tehran: Roshd Publications.
  • Karimi, Yousef. (2008 b). Personality psychology. Tehran: Agah Publications.