Examining the position of carbon tax on economic sectors in Iran's economy using input-output method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 economic

2 alzahra university



Today, most of the environmental issues and risks can be considered a local, regional, national and even global issue due to its dependence on macro-social issues such as economy, culture, development, politics and material and spiritual aspects of human life. Unfortunately, it can be said that the world has witnessed the destruction of its environment in recent years. Examining the interaction and relationship between economic and environmental activities is also one of the essential issues. In order to achieve the above goal in this study, the role and position of the carbon tax on economic sectors, especially the energy sector, was investigated based on the linkage indicators based on the extended iput output method based on the input output tables of 2015. According to the results of the general linkage indices, with the effect of carbon tax on the energy sector, this sector has a suitable link with Iran's economy, but it does not have a suitable position in comparison with other economic sectors. Regarding the forward links, it has shown a weak link in relation to the whole economy, and its diffusion and sensitivity indicators, as a whole, have not had the ability to create movement and economic development in the national economy. The impact and effectiveness of the energy sector in Iran's economy has been practically insignificant.


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