Identifying The Environment of Internal and External Production Chains and Their Relevance to The Issue of Raw Selling

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Allameh Tabataba'i University




The issue of row selling, has been the concerns of Medias, researchers, research institutions and planning in Iran, Lacks theoretical as well as empirical. The main aim of this paper is to fill this gap from three angles: The first, environment of internal production chain from out and input sides. The second, external production chains in terms of DVA and VS and the third, their relevance to the issue of raw selling. For this purpose, we use input-output model and symmetric product by product table for the year 1395. Over findings are three folds: First- concentration only to internal production chain and ignoring external production chains unable to reveal the relevance of raw selling. Second- internal production chains of mining products are very weak whereas corresponding external production are very strong. The third- retail and whole sale service products as well as transport services appears to be dominant in both the chains which suggesting not only the beginning of production chains in the Iranian economy but also in confirmation with the theories of rentire state and Dutch Decease.


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