The impact of international trade on the development of the human capital index (Evidence from OECD countries)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 department of economic payamnoor university

2 department of economic payam noor university

3 department of economic payamnoor university 09151335189



Today, the expansion of international trade and economic globalization has made human capital very important in the process of economic growth and development, so it is necessary to examine issues related to human capital, especially from its economic aspects. Therefore, in this study, the impact of international trade on human capital has been investigated. Proponents of globalization believe that trade affects human development directly through income and indirectly through cultural mixing and increasing the variety of available goods. In this study, OECD countries have been examined because they have a high level of trade relations and especially play a fundamental role in creating global trade opportunities. Accordingly, an econometric model has been specified, that examines the impact of trade on human capital by using the data of OECD countries and dynamic panel method and the generalized moments method from 1990 to 2021. The results indicate that the development of export and import through international trade has positive and significant impact on human capital in these countries, and creating spillovers and transferring technology through foreign trade, play an important role in the development of human capital. the lagged value of human development index also has a positive and significant effect on human development index.


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