Evaluation of Social- Economic Impact of Creating a New Activity in the Economic Structure of the Region؛Case Study of Gilan Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Economic Sciences, Theran University

2 PhD student in Economic Sciences, AllamehTabatabai University

3 Professor, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University


A close look at the time series of the regional accounts of the statistical center of Iran suggests that in the near future, some economic sectors will enter the regional accounts of particular provinces. Despite the fact that the emergence of a new sector in some regions of Iran has been also highlighted, the investigation of the emergence of a new sector in a region has not yet been considered by domestic researchers.

A clear example of the emergence of a new sector in a region is the construction of the city railway tracks in the province of Gilan. In this context, the main question of this article is that what are the potential economic impacts of the entry of the new railway section on the output of other parts of Gilan province? in order to answer the abovementioned question, we evaluate the socioeconomic consequences of the entry of new railway section into the Gilan province in the form of two approaches of demand-to-production and production-to-production, as well compare the job creation of Gilan province before and after the entrance of railway section. The results demonstrate that with the entrance of the railway section, the output of the two sections of “Warehousing and Support activities”and“land and Pipeline Transportation” will have are the largest increase in the economic sectors of the Gilan province. Also, it will potentially increase job creation potential of “gas and water supply”, “water transportation”, “travel services” and “basic metals”more than other economic sectors of the province.


Main Subjects


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