Evaluating of Regional Economic Performance in Iran


alame tabatabee university


One of the final objectives of all economic systems is the improvement of economic performance. Undoubtedly, the main object of economic growth and development in the human society is promotion of the general welfare, and none can expect the promotion and exaltation of the quality of its people’s lives without improving the efficiency and productivity of the economy.
This research aims to present an illustration from economic performance dimensions of provinces of Iran with respect to the resources and facilities of each province, as well as identification of the top contributing factors to economic performance for different region.
For this purpose Data Envelop Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) have been used to calculate technical efficiency, net technical efficiency, and comparative efficiency and Pearson correlation coefficient is used for identification of top contributing factors to efficiency.
The SFA results show that with improved efficiency across provinces, it is possible to reach an annual 76% growth in the GDP. The results of the latter analysis indicate that the aggregate number of expressways and highways, index of human development, ratio of number of beds existing in active center to population of each province, ratio of number of active center to population of each province and the ratio of physicians of Ministry of Health & Medical Education to population of each province in the order of importance (higher to lower), has a significantly positive effect on technical efficiency level of each province.


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