The Comparative Study of Knowledge-based Economies of the Asian Countries and the Roadmap for Improving the Situation of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd student in technology management at Allameh Tabatabaee University

2 Academic member of Allameh Tabataba'i University


Developing a knowledge-based economy is both a necessity and an opportunity for the developing countries. It is a necessity because it preserves the growth rate in the future, and it is an opportunity, because the growing knowledge-based economies can move faster in the global markets towards the advanced value chains. Due to the importance of the knowledge-based economy in the development of Iran, this study aims to provide a comparison between Iran and the selected Asian countries in the field of knowledge economy. To this end, this study tends to identify the status of the selected countries and Iran regarding the indicators of the knowledge-based economy and to provide a proper roadmap for improving the situation of Iran. By the nature of the topic, this is a descriptive- analytical research. The comparison between Iran and the selected countries indicated the weaknesses of Iran relative to the selected advanced Asian countries in terms of various dimensions such as innovation, information and communication technology, and the economic and institutional regimes. However, Iran places a moderate rank than other the field of education


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