The Effects of Oil Price and Foreign Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Stock Exchange Price Index in Iran: Bounds Test Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar

2 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Lorestan

3 Lecturer in Accounting, Accounting Department, Payam Noor University


Regarding the importance of stock market in the economy, this study examines the effects of fluctuations in oil price and foreign exchange rate on stock exchange price index (SEPI) in Iran. For this purpose, we use the seasonal data of variables under study. i.e., stock exchange price index, black market exchange rate, and oil price, during 1992-2014. We also use autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) method to compute oil price and exchange rate volatilities. We estimate the coefficients of explanatory variables affecting SEPI using autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) method and check the existence of long-term relationship among variables using bounds test. Findings indicate that the fluctuations of oil price and foreign exchange rate have significant and negative impacts on SEPI, and inflation and money volume affect positively SEPI.


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