Investigation The Effect of Dimension of The Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) on Output Growth in Iran by Using Gravitational Search Algorithm and Firefly Algorithm

Document Type : Research Paper


tabriz university


In today's competitive environment, for every country, product growth and stabilizing economic fluctuations are the main macroeconomic objectives. Using knowledge-based economy or knowledge-based indicators are one of the most important demand management tools. Knowledge is considered to be the main capital; and economic growth is rooted in the accumulation of knowledge and as a source of knowledge accumulation technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. Hence, with regard to the economy of Iran, it is important to examine the effects of knowledge economy on product growth. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of knowledge economy on output growth using models based on conventional economic growth. Data was extracted from the Central Bank from the annual time series during the period of 1353- 1391,   Using  Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) and Firefly Algorithm (FA), the effects of knowledge based economy indicators, including, education and human resources, information and communication technology, capital and trade openness, on output, was tested. Based on the research findings, the hypothesis of the study, including the positive impact of knowledge economy and its effects on GDP growth was accepted. 


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