The Impact of Minimum Wages on the Agricultural Labor’ Wages in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Agricultural Economics at Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamadan

2 Associate Professor of Economics, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan


In the current study, we examine the effects of minimum wages on the wages of men and women employed in the agricultural sector during 1981 – 2013. To this end, we use an Auto-Regressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) model. The findings show that minimum wage and inflation play effective roles in determining the wages of men in the short-run, and the minimum wage and labor productivity in agriculture are main determinants of male employees in the long-run. However, unemployment and labor productivity in the short-term and the unemployment rate and inflation rate in long-term have no effect on men’s wages. The minimum wage is the only influential factor in determining the women’s wages in agriculture. Thus, the unemployment rate, inflation rate and labor productivity in agriculture have no effect on the determination of women’s wages. In addition, the minimum wage has greater impact on women than men's wages. In the short term, a one percent increase in the minimum wage increases the men’s and women’s wages by 0.28% and 0.48%, respectively. However, a one percent increase in the minimum wage increases the men's and women's wages by 0.77% and 0.82%, respectively, in the long run. Therefore, enforcement of the minimum wage law reduces gender-based wage discrimination in the Iranian agricultural sector.


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