Identification and Ranking of Factors Affecting the Economy of Underdevelopment Combined with ANP - DEMATEL Phase

Document Type : Research Paper



This study seeks to identify factors affecting the Iranian economy underdevelopment and the ranking. The method applied, due to the nature of the research, is descriptive. The population of the study was experts in the field of economy. First, by deployment of experts using the Delphi technique, we identified 20 factors affecting underdevelopment in the Iranian economy, in five categories. Then using statistical methods and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making techniques these factors were rated. The results show of the use of techniques such as multi-criteria decision DEMATEL and ANP. Among the five factors affecting economic underdevelopment, human factors and management have the greatest impact on underdevelopment, and are followed by cultural factors, political factors, social factors, and financial and economic as those with the most impact.


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