The Effect of Gender Discrimination in Education on Economic Growth in the Middle East and North Africa

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduated from Economics, Mazandaran University

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Mazandaran University


Gender discrimination is when females and males do not haves equal access to resources and opportunities. Gender inequality excludes women as half of the population from resources and opportunities and leads to misallocation of resources. Discrimination in education is one of the forms of gender discrimination, while education is one of the important factors that affects employment, welfare and health of the society. This study investigates the effect of gender discrimination in education on economic growth in selected countries in the Middle East and North Africa region during the period 1990-2010. The ratio of gross enrollment of boys to girls in primary and secondary schools is used as an indicator for measuring gender inequality. Estimated results by using panel data indicates that gender inequality in education has a negative and significant effect on economic growth and this shows the necessity of reducing the gender gap for enhancing economic growth.


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